WJ Crew got the 2016-2017 season off to a great start in the fall, with nearly 60 athletes competing and practicing with the team. They sent at least 2 Eights (8-person boats) and 2 Fours (4-person boats) from both the Men’s and Women’s side to 4 fall regattas, and performed well at each. The season started with a tune-up for the heart of the Fall Race Schedule at the Head of the Anacostia. Following, the team raced at the Occoquan Chase, as it prepared to send it’s largest contingent to date to the Head of the Charles. Head of the Charles, the largest regatta of its kind, is held in Boston, MA each year. This year WJ sent a Women’s 8+ and a Men’s 4+ to the prestigious event, and competed admirably against some of the most elite teams in the world. The team wrapped up the Fall Head Race season at the Head of the Occoquan, the first opportunity for the Novice Rowers to race. The last regatta of the Fall was a sprint race (1.5K as opposed to 5K head race) double-header at the Philadelphia Frostbite and Bill Braxton Memorial Regattas. The team is now training diligently over the winter to prepare for the much anticipated Spring Sprint Season.