The Walter Johnson Crew Club, a high school student rowing club in Bethesda Maryland
The WJ rowing team was on the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia for a full day of racing. There were 69 teams from all over the Mid-Atlantic on the river and all WJ boats did extremely well in their events against some very fast competition.
Highlights from racing include the Boys Novice 8+ finishing 2nd in their heat and 7/23 overall, the JV Girls 8+ finishing 3rd in their heat and 4/14 overall, and the Varsity Boys 4+ winning their heat and finishing 5/24 overall. A novice girls 4+, JV boys 4+ and Varsity girls 4+ also raced well.
View the official results at the RaceDay website »
Photographs by Yosi Lazarof (all rights reserved) and Jeff Popkin (for non-commercial use only). For more photos from this event, see Yosi Lazarof’s Flickr photoset and Jeff Popkin’s OneDrive, respectively.