It’s time to register your student for the WJ Crew spring season! Registration forms are up now (click Register For Crew on the top menu), and include a free Trial Week […]
Team uniform orders due February 10th
The Walter Johnson Crew team uniform store is now open! All new rowers and coxswains must order a uni-suit and long sleeved techshirt. At this JL Racing Team Store site, you can […]
Register for Summer Learn to Row Program
Registration is now open for WJ Crew’s Summer Learn to Row program! If you have ever wondered just what rowing is and what the crew team does, now’s your chance […]
Spring Break Practice Schedule
Here is the schedule for Spring Break. We will be holding two practices during the week and have planned activities during the time between practices. Bus transportation provided. Let me […]
Spring Practice Schedule is Set
See below the basic practice schedule for this spring. Some notes about the schedule Bus transportation is provided for water practices during the week. Bus leaves from in front of […]